'There is no such thing as non-specific back pain. There is always a cause. In nearly all cases, the pain is relieved or worsened by specific motions, postures, and loads.'
Dr. Stuart McGill, Professor Emeritus of Spine Biomechanics at Waterloo University, Canada and author of The Back Mechanic, Low Back Disorders and Ultimate Back Fitness

As a McGill Method certified practitioner with 14 years experience working as a personal trainer, I can help you to:

1. Understand the cause of your low back pain
2. Learn how to avoid provoking your pain triggers
3. Build yourself an injury-resistant back
4. Achieve your health & performance goals

I provide online assessments and training programs, allowing you to work with me wherever you’re based in the world, with minimal equipment required.

I also see clients in person in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates.

See the testimonials below to find out how people like you have gone from having debilitating back pain to becoming pain-free and able to pursue their health and fitness goals again.



'I'm very happy with the training that I do with Andy. I'm now totally pain-free.'
—Christian Steudtner (Alicante, Spain)

'After herniating a disc back in 2014 I tried many solutions: physios, acupuncture, other specialists, but nothing helped. Then I started working with Andy about 18 months ago. I've been pain-free now for more than a year. Training with Andy is the best investment I've made in my health. I would definitely recommend working with him.'
—Manjeet Singh (Paris, France)

Bilel performing an ATG split squat

'I cannot recommend Andy highly enough! Despite being only 24, I suffered from poor posture throughout my adolescence and young adulthood. This, combined with hours spent working on a computer and incorrect form in the gym, led to a severe herniated disc injury. I felt utterly hopeless about being able to sit and work, let alone return to resistance training.

After consulting a doctor, undergoing X-rays, MRIs, and attending several costly physical therapy sessions that provided no significant relief, I decided to turn to Andy, the Back Coach.

Andy's expertise in the human body, along with his extensive knowledge and tailored approach, proved invaluable in helping me make a full recovery. He not only guided me back to my normal life but also helped me safely resume my resistance training routine.

Andy's unwavering support throughout my journey has been truly priceless. If you're struggling with back pain, don't hesitate to reach out to Andy - he genuinely is a miracle worker! Since my recovery, I have confidently referred many friends dealing with debilitating back pain to Andy.'
—Bilel Rais (Bali, Indonesia)

Rosine doing a birddog

'How lucky to have met Andy! For several years I had been suffering from back pain in the lumbar region. I had a series of lower back pain issues despite physiotherapy and regular physical activity. Everything got worse after my pregnancy, and I was starting to despair!

The Low Back Pain Rehab Program saved me! I learned to relieve my pain, to perform the right movements on a daily basis, to restabilize my back and to build my muscles properly.

I appreciated the professional follow-up, the presence and the involvement of Andy, all by video, simple and effective! Thank you!!! I recommend 100%!'
—Rosine Hudbert (Brittany, France)


Read more testimonials here...


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